Pubg update xbox
Pubg update xbox

pubg update xbox

The EMT Gear will be available in Normal Matches, Custom Games, Training Mode, and Sandbox Mode.2 stacks of bandages (10) will spawn alongside the EMT Gear.The EMT Gear is a Tactical Gear that allows players to opt into increased healing potential for both themselves and their team at the cost of reduced combat flexibility. Player has the Drone equipped and Drone Tablet in hand The ping icon will be displayed as a regular ping.Players will be able to ping normally while toggled in Drone View.Players can receive the Drone’s held item by recalling the Drone.Players in Drone View are also able to drop the held item any time.Drones can not pick up items from Care Packages, deathboxes, and trunks.For example, a stack of bandages (5) is also considered a single item.A Drone can loot a single item to its single inventory slot.Players must retrieve the Drone and repair it to use it again. When the Drone’s HP reaches 0, it will fall to the ground and get destroyed.The Drone has a maximum HP of 35 and can take damage from various things.If the Drone leaves its operation radius, it will get destroyed and players will need to retrieve it and repair the Drone to use it again.The Drone alerts players with a warning message and a static screen when it’s within 90m of its maximum operation radius.The Drone has a large 300m operation radius that players must stay in while flying the Drone.The Drone can not avoid obstacles or move through solid objects while being recalled.When the recall is in progress, the recall will be stopped if the player uses the recall feature again.When the recall is in progress, the recall will be stopped if the player attempts to use the Drone Tablet.The Drone will fly back to the location the player first recalled it.When a recall is initiated, the Drone will attempt to fly back in a straight line to the spot the player recalled it.If players toggle out of Drone View, the Drone will remain hovering in its current position.In Drone View, players’ characters will stop moving and give up control of their body as they fly around in the perspective of the Drone.A deployed Drone will be identifiable by a unique drone icon both on the map and minimap.A Drone in flight will make noise and have a distinctive blinking light.The Drone will launch into the air once players toggle into Drone View.Players can then toggle in and out of Drone View.Once players loot and equip the drone, they can hold the Drone Tablet in their hands.

pubg update xbox

Drones will be available in Normal Matches, Custom Games, Training Mode, and Sandbox Mode.

pubg update xbox

The Drone is a Tactical Gear that allows players to scout a far distance safely and even pick up an item without facing the risk of direct combat. We’ve decided to introduce a whole new category of tactical items, Tactical Gear, that strays from pure gunplay to provide our players various options for improving their in-game performances.Īs Tactical Gear will be taking up players’ primary weapon slots, we hope this will allow players to come up with more creative long-term strategies.

Pubg update xbox